Design Proposition

Midland Railway Workshops. Image courtesy of FORM.

INDIVIDUAL design activity will commence with the identification of an aspirational focus.

Aspirational Focus/Design Strategy
Focuses on the objectives of the project expressed in MMP (2014) and acquired information from the group submissions, the desired outcomes and the enablers of those outcomes - “this is what the research has identified as being of major importance” and “a range of design principles that will guide and inform your design”. (a design approach or design strategy)
_Deliverable: A1 diagrammatic and written submission (2D or 3D)

01_Concept Design
Master planning - site spatial /planning studies that respond to your Design Strategy, Site Analysis and Opportunity and Constraints analysis.
Concept design work that investigates the functional relationship of spaces both vertically and horizontally; volumetric studies (blocking and stacking), planning studies, servicing etc.
Graphically explore the ideas that support and underpin your “Design Strategy” along with a range of preliminary landscape ideas.
_Deliverable: diagrammatic - plans; 3D studies; preliminary landscape plan, preliminary sections, design strategies (3 x A1 sheets)

02_Schematic Design
Detailed development of the concept design phase providing clarity and context to your “Design Strategy” using developed planning diagrams, elevations, sections, block modeling, photographs, 3D imagery.
The level of presentation should be suitable to enable a client to full understand the project and the strategies and ideas that underpin the solution.
_Deliverable: diagrammatic - Developed plans and sections, 3D studies. This material should be suitable for a client presentation (6 x A1 sheets)

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